
Enhance your Intercultural skills for thriving in a diverse, multiechnic World.

I offer tailored workshops and seminars designed for teams and expatriate families who are navigating the challenges of living and working in intercultural environments. Whether you’re looking to excel in a multicultural workplace or successfully manage global transitions, my training will help you develop the skills and insights you need.

All sessions can be delivered in German or English, either in person or online via Zoom, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.

What I offer goes beyond mere training — it’s a commitment to providing professional, compassionate, and respectful support. With five years of experience in adult education and a lifetime of living in diverse cultural settings, I bring a deep understanding of the complexities and opportunities that come with intercultural interactions.

My promise to you: I will meet you at eye level, offering guidance that respects your unique experiences and perspectives.
Because I believe in one fundamental truth: dignity is inviolable — yours, mine, and everyone’s.

My dignity is inviolable.

Too often, we encounter behaviors that diminish our sense of worth, making our daily interactions feel burdensome. The words and actions of others can deeply wound us, just as our own words and actions, often unintentionally, can hurt those around us.

In this workshop, we delve into Donna Hicks’ “Dignity Model,” focusing on the “10 Essential Elements of Dignity” and examining the “10 Temptations to Violate Dignity.”

By participating, you’ll not only gain a profound understanding of what dignity truly entails but also acquire practical tools to transform unhealthy and unproductive communication patterns. You’ll learn how to engage in meaningful conversations, express your needs with clarity, and advocate for yourself and your inherent dignity with confidence.



The evolution of Cultural Identity

What exactly is culture, and has it always existed in the way we know it today? How can we foster respectful coexistence amidst such rich diversity? And how does culture shape who we are?

In this session, we’ll dive deep into the concept of culture, examining both the differences and commonalities that diversity brings. Our aim is to harness these differences as strengths, creating synergies between cultures to enhance teamwork and collaboration.

Key topics we’ll explore include:
• The journey from “Intraculturality” to “Interculturality” to “Transculturality”
• The role of values and communication in shaping cultural identity
• Practical strategies for building transcultural competence in real-world situations


interkulturelle Beratung im Team Esther Sattler

Navigating life in a Multicultural Family

Today, living in a family with multiple cultures is increasingly common. Members of intercultural families frequently transition between different cultural environments—moving from the unique “third culture” at home to the surrounding culture they live in. This constant shift requires a high level of flexibility and adaptability from everyone involved and can often lead to challenges in preserving one’s sense of identity.

Multilingualism, communication, and the feeling of belonging are key aspects of life in these families. But how can you successfully embrace multiple cultures within a family without compromising your own cultural identity, values, and beliefs? And how can you teach your children to feel at home in more than one culture?

This workshop will explore:

• How cultural identity and values develop within a family
• Communication across cultures (“My language – Your language – Our language”)
• Moving from “I” to “We” (Navigating conflict dynamics and preventing misunderstandings)

interkulturelle Beratung im Team Esther Sattler

„Home in many worlds“- Guiding Cross Culture Kids through transitions

For children, transitions like starting school, moving to a new home, or beginning at a childcare facility are natural parts of growing up. For many, global transitions are also a significant part of their reality. The term “Cross-Culture Kids” refers to children who grow up in multiple cultures during their formative years, shaping their identities in unique ways.

This workshop is designed to ease the anxieties that come with these global transitions and provide practical guidance on how to support children through these changes, ensuring that all involved can view them as positive and enriching experiences.

Key topics include:

• Coping with feelings of rootlessness
• Exploring the concept of “Home”
• Understanding values through the cultural square
• Building and maintaining cultural identity
• Practical tips for effectively supporting children during transitions